The landmark of Sri Lanka has changed drastically during the last 3 decades into a place of hopelessness and chaos. The communities living in the extreme cluttered corners of this disturbed Island has witnessed the consequences of a more fragmented social fabric for years due to undemocratic governance, lack of accountability practices and deficits in transparency mechanisms
As an organized social entity fighting corruption and malpractices in the ground, The KINGS FOUNDATION has advocated for people friendly policies and practices that would eventually change the lives of the people who have undergone mass sufferings.
As our name proclaims, we wanted to be the leaders in the foray to utilize all our resources maximizing a pragmatic process of change that can be testified by the people for the people by the people.
All we want to do is to put people in the centre of development planning where people are empowered with the extreme power and likelihood to take decision that affect their day to day life
In addition we strong with the People, leading the way and showing the gateway of a Pragmatic democratic process that adheres the values of Transparency and Accountability.
Thus, the Kings Foundation was formed in the year 2012 by likeminded justice, democratic and social activists in the eastern shores of Sri Lanka
In our steadfast march as leaders promoting accountable governance, we understand the plight of the communities we serve and we always address them as ACTIVE RIGHT HOLDERS of the results we produce together with the People and the civil society organizations.
We can do our projects all over the island
at kinniya
at chinabay
at chinabay
Diversity and equality – we believe in diversity and equality in extending our services to everyone who needs them, irrespective of race, gender or sexual orientation. We respect socio- cultural values, norms and concerns of the people.
Good governance – we value participatory, consensus oriented, accountable and transparent decision-making. The process, by which decisions are implemented, should be responsive, effective, efficient, equitable and inclusive and follow the rule of law.
Sustainability – we uphold sustainability of programme effectiveness, financial security and organizational viability.
Networking - Mediating and networking between and among the community based organizations and the governmental institutions to create space for sharing experiences, knowledge, wisdom and resources.
Institution Building - Facilitating institution building to promote participatory democracy, peace, human rights, transparency and accountability.
Quality – our product, services and programmes are gender sensitive, non-judgmental, affordable and are high quality.
Volunteerism – we believe the spirit of volunteerism as central to achieving our goals and ideas.
Choice – we believe and respect free choice and the rights of all individuals.